list updated 2014-06-12 the lists below are correct to my knowledge, if not please let me know! ngmin issues that just works in ng-annotate: -------------------------------------------- #99 Fails on certain regex string. #98 Issue with routeProvider when resolve option #96 Make it works with Browserify module structure #91 ngmin 30x is slower than ngAnnotate #89 Support for javascript enclosures? #87 Not working with resolve in ngRoute. #85 ngmin is changing things it shouldn't #83 Support minification of modal controller #78 not being annotated #77 Still does not annotate directive.controller - second example needs an explicit /* @ngInject */ #73 Support minification of ngAnimate enhancement #70 The future of ngmin - ng-annotate is actively maintained #64 minifications fails #63 Files with components that containt angular components both minification ready and not ready #61 Add plug-able annotation system enhancement #59 Support for http interceptors #57 Injector returned by angular.bootstrap is not treated #56 add test to be sure that .decorator function is properly parsed #54 Support for ui-router resolve, onEnter and onExit enhancement #50 ngmin fails to annotate a declaration if it follows an annotated one bug #46 Support for Run #43 Decorators not properly annotated #42 Support for components wrapped in IIFE #37 Support minification of $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push functions enhancement #35 Support minification of $routeProvider resolve functions enhancement #22 Support anonymous factory ngmin issues that works in ng-annotate by adding an explicit /* @ngInject */: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #84 Support services as function references #81 Support injector().invoke #79 Support minification of module providers #69 Certain style of directives do not get their controllers min safed #65 Is there a way to detect and minify controller inside a controller? - (example in issue comment works as-is) ngmin bug issues not included in the lists above: ------------------------------------------------- #95 Unexpected token ILLEGAL Use --force to continue ngmin feature request issues where ng-annotate also lacks the feature: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #88 Use "strict DI mode" enhancement #86 Inclusion in grunt-contrib-uglify #51 Fixes #19 - Add support for source-map generation #44 Dynamic Analysis bonus points enhancement #19 source map support enhancement #12 Group chainable methods enhancement